How to Identify Hormone Imbalance (without testing): The signs I look for in myself

Here’s the tricky thing with hormone imbalance. It shows up differently for everybody. And that’s because each of our hormone patterns is different. Some of us may have excess estrogen while others are in low store. Each of these patterns will result in various symptoms. Over the years I’ve experienced the spectrum. 

And here’s a double kicker, your hormones can be easily thrown out of balance. There are so many functions we’re talking about here. If you’re not familiar you can learn the inner seasons and systems here. What we’re aiming for is building a more solid hormonal foundation to withstand these fluctuations and bounce back faster.

Both of these reasons is why we must be in devotion to our health to experience a hormonally balanced, abundant life. Because when you are balanced on a molecular, hormonal level, things happen easier for you!

The last one on this list is also the most common. Unfortunately it’s also the last red flag our body gives before things an even further nose dive. These are the things I look for in my own body to help keep garage of where i’m at biologically.

  1. Sugar cravings. When I start seeking out sugar on a daily basis I know there’s an underlying imbalance happening. I believe in eating real food intuitively. So if I’m craving something sweet I give into that craving with something made at home with real ingredients. When I notice craving persisting or building it’s a clear signal I’ve become imbalanced.

  2. Muttered annoyances. When I start mentally giving voice to annoyances, I know it’s my hormones out of whack. Our stress hormone system is the most under siege. Some days feel like a constant barrage. When the stress hormone group becomes imbalanced, Negative Nancy grows louder in my head.

  3. Decreased tolerance. A nice follow-up to the signal above but this is more in regards to sensitivities. When I notice my digestion impacted by dairy, gluten or sugar, more than what is normal for my body, it’s a sign I’m imbalanced. This is often met with skin sensitivities; such as dry or itchy skin. Certain fabrics or smells seem extra potent.

  4. Coffee. When I grab for a second cup of caffeine in the afternoon, I know I’m imbalanced. Sleep is one of the best supports for overall hormone balance. As a working parent of children, it is also the hardest for me to make any impact with. I take all the steps, magnesium spray, blue light blockers, no screens, but the children will wake when they wake. 

  5. Lastly, skin breakouts. This one is the real kicker because if acne/breakouts are the first thing I’m noticing I’ve missed every other symptom my body has sent. Acne is the last warning flag we receive from our bodies. The last hurrah if you will, when our body sends fireworks to burst on our face, chest or back. Don’t be alarmed (but kind of do) but take action to remedy these very clear communicators from our body.

It’s frustrating to hear of others struggling with symptoms that are met with quick cover ups and solutions that lead to more long term imbalance. Symptoms that are clearly signaling deeper imbalances within the body, Through understanding the way these systems work individually and together we are able to bring back a holistic framework of wellness for ourselves, and therefore a solid foundation of health. 

If you’re curious how to create this foundation for yourself, I have a self-paced course I put together for just that. Within it you’ll find the information you need to understand your menstrual cycle and how the additional hormone systems work in sync with each other. You will also find the support to create a balanced system with a solid foundation. To explore the online course click here.

I’d love to hear if this served you and answer any of your questions in the comments. Please feel welcome to drop any of your own insights there! Much love friends, Taylor