Balancing Energetics in Conscious Parenting - Balance of Masculine and Feminine Essence

Exchange of Curren(t)cy Between Partners

Since we’re exploring the energetics of parenting it’s behoove of us to explore how these energetics impact our relationships. My own perspective is rather unique as my partner (the father of my children) is the primary care provider while I work full-time. For us this caused a lot of strain in our early days of parenting. As we were navigating not only being new parents but functioning in energetics that were much different than what we were accustomed or expected to. 

My point here is this: it doesn’t matter what role you take on, or which energetics you find yourself in most often, but there needs to be an equal exchange of energy between partnerships. It’s easy to give all of our energy to our children. We do so without second thought. But to give time and energy to our partner, let alone yourself, is where the challenge comes. 

I like to think of it as an electrical circuit or wire. I know nothing about electrical things but that doesn’t matter. Imagine one wire actively flowing a current of energy all day. This wire is focused on the feminine aspects of nurturing and care. The second wire is pushing out energy in about the same strength and consistency as the other wire. This one however is more in the lists and numbers. This one is more scheduled as a job would require one to be. It’s more acting in the masculine. Each wire is active throughout the day, each is acting within a different currency. Each person is hardwired with the ability to flow through each current: feminine and masculine.

I’m not going to say at the end of every day, but at least several times a week, the wires need an exchange in their current. Especially when societal norms are reversed there needs to be set time for each to switch off and over into the other energetic system. 

For myself, I needed time in the feminine. And my partner in the masculine. It would have saved us years of resentment and arguments if we had looked at the energetics of our family structure and lifestyle. It’s also important to note that we need to be active participants in the exchange of energetics. 

For people more in their masculine energy, sex tends to be a great release and transference of the extra masculine they posses. Sex in itself is a wonderful to balance both the masculine and feminine. Each person takes energetically what they need to balance. Orgasm has also been found to help reset cortisol levels in the body. Even if you’re not down to full intercourse, self pleasure can go a long way in taking the edge off (balancing the energetic bodies).

To explore the energetics of parenting with more depth, and more tools for your toolbox, purchase a copy of Energetics of Parenting today!

Taylor Saison