Nourished + Thriving


Did you know that nourishing yourself properly can help you thrive and stabilize emotions? For expecting persons (and truly, everyone + their sister) protein, B vitamins, iron and calcium are essentials! Because digestion slows during pregnancy its important to find foods that digest easily and give us the most bang for our (shrinking stomach space) buck. The best sources to find these nutrients-

Protien: seeds, nuts, legumes, and greens. Soak your seeds/nut/legumes overnight to aid in digestion and absorption.

Get your greens! However you can. Fresh, steamed, roasted, or find a vegan protein blend with an added servings of greens. The powder can be a great option during pregnancy!

B/D? vitamins: no only can a lack of these vitamins cause depression and anxiety but if you’ve taken the pill for any amount of time you are especially at risk for deficiency here. Cashews, seaweeds, fermented foods, good quality eggs (reach out to a local farmer)

Iron: build your blood, a strong mind and placenta. Cherries, berries, beets, molasses and green foods are high in iron. Iron is best absorbed with presence of vitamin C. try consuming tea with nettles, rose hips or red raspberry leaf to increase your iron in an easy way.

Calcium: oat straw, nettle, red raspberry, figs, cashews and sesame seeds. Because calcium helps with bone growth and strength its so important to make sure you’re taking in enough, especially as women as we are more at risk for osteoporosis.

Pregnancy doesn’t have to feel like a marathon of survival, in fact it shouldn’t. it can be a thriving, beautifully creative time. Let me help you become your most nourished, empowered self and celebrate this time of your life.

Taylor Saison