Hormones of Labor

Our bodies were made to birth babies. Seriously. Each hormone released at the perfect time to bring about changes in our body or mental state to help us through labor. Everything you need to birth is within. However, sometimes medical induction is necessary. When this happens synthetic forms of these hormones flood the system through intravenous methods. These synthetic hormones replace the release of natural hormones and come in a much greater concentration of power and effect. Let’s take a look at the natural hormones + the synthetics used to mimic. Oxytocin: responsible for uterine contractions, provides a natural euphoria, aids in placental birth, bonding with baby and the milk ejection reflex. Melatonin: released in dark, quiet spaces and helps to boos oxytocin. Frequent interruptions and observations inhibit melatonin release. Endorphins: nature’s pain reliever which can be stimulated by light touch or massage, laughter and love. It is promoted by oxytocin. Prolactin: peaks at birth to help begin to build milk supply. Prolactin work as a compliment to oxytocin. Adrenaline: caused by stress or fear, released with bright lights, increases heart rate and breathing. Blocks oxytocin and therefore slows birth. Pitocin (artificial oxytocin) and morphine/pain killers (artificial endorphins) do have their place in the birth space but are largely overused. When these artificial forms are used to begin labor and manipulate the process birthing persons are more likely to have further interventions (cesarean etc.) and see a negative impact on their ability to feel bonded with the baby. Knowledge is power in the birth space. You’ll feel far less fear and help get that oxytocin flowin’!

Taylor Saison