Birth Story Circle

Still etched deep in my mind are the conversations I had with mothers when I was expecting. Most all shared the terrors of childbirth. How painful and difficult it would be. Until the one conversation that changed my entire trajectory.

I was three years postpartum and by some magic connected with a woman online who went on to share her story of unassisted birth. She had chosen, prior to pregnancy, to take radical responsibility for her life. Meaning she was taking life by the horns and riding out whatever came her way knowing it was her mountain to conquer. I couldn’t believe birthing unassisted was something women were able to do. But here she was, my first example of someone who did it. Someone who so bravely chose her intuition and personal strength to experience the most positive and empowering birth experience. 

I write this all not to make you feel like you must give birth unassisted to accomplish a positive birth experience, but to share the power of our birth stories. The power they have to inspire, to connect and to share our feminine wisdom. Each story is as unique as the person sharing. Each story is filled with medicine we all can benefit from. 

A couple years later I would experience my own unassisted birth. Dismantling years of low self worth, doubt and wounds beyond my personal experience, but those of the women before me. That birth healed me.

Birth circles are a way for us to gather as women and share these wise stories held with our hearts for the greater good. To connect with other women, to grow and to heal together. We are now in a time of great change (cheesy, perhaps. But it's true.). We now find ourselves in a new astrological sign which will place emphasis on community. On coming together. 

That’s exactly the intention behind birth circles. To create a community based on the very thing that made us all mothers, birth. To share our stories, our struggles and wins. To heal and grow together alongside one another. 

If this is something that’s been on your heart too, I extend the warmest invitation. Birth circles will occur monthly, our second circle happening late May. Looking forward to seeing you in circle.

Taylor Saison