Core Challenge of Motherhood: Lack of Meaningful Connection


LACK OF CONNECTION- In early postpartum we are so connected, just not in the way that supports us. We find ourselves constantly sharing space and a body with a newborn. It’s often we find ourselves feeling “touched out”, to a point where you just need some space and no contact with anyone. This is because you are so disconnected from your body that even if you could communicate your needs, you aren’t even sure what they are. We need to learn how to touch ourselves in a way that supports us. To connect to ourself before we can pour from ourselves on a daily basis. As women our womb is our compass. Her guidance leads us to know nutritionally, emotionally and physically what we need daily. When we begin to listen to her language we see that its all quite clear. But for too long we’ve been led to disconnect or be disgusted by our feminine nature. We don’t talk about our bodies, our menstruation, or body hair. In fact, it’d be best we mask all of these issues so the world doesn’t know about them. It is through this avoidance that we have lost our connection to who we are at our core. Without this grounding nature of our life we are at the whims of life’s chaos, like a bag floating being pulled this way and that in the wind. In motherhood this manifests as being easily set off, unsure of what our true needs are but feel as though something is “off”. 

Taylor Saison